I have recently spotted this article in Le Monde (a french daily newspaper) and simply couldn't not to share it with you, my dear TESSie. The article Tribus de Rues (Street Tribes) published on Nov 14th 2014 talks about a 65-year-old Dutch photographer, Hans Eijkelboom, and his remarkable shots. Main idea of Hans's work is to illustrate a fallacy of modern individualism. For almost 10 years the photographer has been travelling across the Globe, taking pictures of people who are dressed similarly.
...Dressed similarly, you might oooh-ed?!! Yes-yes, and I totally understand you... You cannot even imagine how big was a drama when one of my colleague happened to buy the same shoes... and here we are talking about groups (!!!) of people coincidentally wearing the same outfits.
To give you a scale of the 'problem', below are some shots from the Hans Eijkelboom collection. It is a real proof that without even knowing it, we all have a certain uniform. Call it a trend, a tendency or even a visual cliche... we still look the same.
(Of course, not us, TESSies, I am rather more general:-)
April 15, 2005 // Amsterdam, Netherlands |
November 22, 2004 // Rotterdam, Netherlands |
December 31, 2004 // Amsterdam, Netherlands |
August 24, 1997 // New York City, USA |
August 3, 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands |
April 8, 2002 // New York City, USA |
April 24, 2007 // Amsterdam, Netherlands |
October 1, 2005 // Shanghai, China |
All Images are courtesy of Hans Eijkelboom
Want to avoid it? Want to stand out from the crowd? Easy!
Be a TESS. Cultivate, nourish and own a unique, personal sense of style that would make you look and feel different ,-)
TESSful note for those who are in Paris:
- Colette, a parisian concept store, will be hosting Eijkelboom’s exhibition from Nov 2-29, 2014. //213 Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris//
*** So, how would YOU REACT if you ENCOUNTERED a PERSON WEARING the SAME? ***
Keep TESS: Taste.Elegance.Sophistication.Style!
Your Tess
very interesting observation, just goes to show how far globalization has gone